
  WM Extravaganza
Richard Rosenman
 Caroline & Sensibility
Vander Lee

Nyiss egy 900 X 500 lapot
--- Mehdi - Wavy Lab 1.1

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - 50
Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen more
--- Mehdi - Sorting Tiles

--- WM Extravaganza - Transmission

--- Mehdi  - Weaver

--- Simple - Quick Tile

Hozzd be a mappából a " sel"
Jelöld ki a fehér részt a varázspálcával
Selection - Save Selection - To Alpha Channel
Selection - Load Selection - From Alpha Channel
Promote Selection - To Layer
Selection - Modify Contact - 25
Selection - Invert
--- Richard Rosenman - Grind Generator

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen more
Selection - Invert
Effects - 3 D Effects - Innerbevel

Selection - None
Lépj a " Raster 1 "
--- Caroline & Sensibility - CS_LDots

Layer - Merge Visible
--- Vander Lee - Unplugged X - Defocus - 50
Adjust - Sharpness - Unsharp Mask

Hozzd be a mappából a "76n"tájat
Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste - As a New Layer
Hozzd be a mappából a " 21012019" maszkot
Layer - New Mask Layer - From Image

Layer - Merge Group
--- Caroline & Sensibility - CS_LDots

Effects - 3 D Effects - Drop Shadow - 5, 5, 80 , 45
Effects - 3 D Effects - Drop Shadow - 0, 0, 100 , 0
Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen more

Layer - New Raster Layer
--- Mehdi - Wavy Lab1.1

Hozzd be a mappából " CAL-MSK-008 "
Layer - New Mask Layer - From Image

Layer - Merge Group
Layer - Arrange - Move Down
Effects - 3 D Effects - Drop Shadow - 0, 0, 50 , 25

Hozzd be a mappából " taj "
Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste as a New Layer
Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen more
Layer - Merge All

 Image - Add Border - 1 pixel -- #504944
Image - Add Border - 25 pixel -- #e2e3df

Jelöld ki a varázspálcával
--- Richard Rosenman - Grind Generator

Selection - None

Image - Add Border - 1 pixel -- #504944
Image - Add Border - 50 pixel -- #8a7e76
Selection - All
Selection - Modify - Contact - 50
Selection - Invert

--- Simple - Quick Tile
Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - 50
Selection - Invert
Effects - 3 D Effects - Drop Shadow - 0, 0, 80 , 25
Selection - None

Hozzd be a mappából a nöi tubét
Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste as a New Layer
Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen more
Effects - 3 D Effects - Drop Shadow - 0, 15, 80 , 55

Hozzd be a mappából az "irás"
Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste as a New Layer
Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen more
Effects - 3 D Effects - Drop Shadow - 0, 0, 80 , 0
Layer - Merge All

Kész a képed !!!
Köszönöm a figyelmet

Szerkesztők akik el készitették a tutoriált. Köszönöm szépen 

Lisette Sophie

LBDM Jaja Andrea Perrin



