

Mehdi - WavyLab 1.1, Sorting Tiles, Seamless Border 2
Caroline & Sensibility - cs_texture
DSB Flux - Linear Transmission
Flaming Pear
Unlimited - WM Natural , WM Toolbox , [AFS IMPORT]
Vander Lee - Unplugged X
AAA Frames - Foto Frame
Simple - Quick Tile

Nyiss egy 900 x 500 lapot
--- Mehdi - WavyLab 1.1

--- Mehdi - Sorting Tiles

Effects - Edge - Enhance

Layer - New Raster Layer
Selection - Load Selection - From Alpha Channel

--- Mehdi - WavyLab 1.1

Selection - None
--- Caroline & Sensibility - cs_texture

Adjust - Sharpness - Unsharp Mask -- default

Effects- Image Effects - Seamless Tiling

Layer - New Raster Layer
Selection - Load Selection - From Alpha Channel

--- Mehdi - WavyLab 1.1

--- DSB Flux - Linear Transmission

Adjust - Sharpness - Unsharp Mask -- default
Selection - None

Selection - Load Selection - From Alpha Channel

--- Mehdi - WavyLab 1.1

--- Unlimited - WM Natural - Legoland -- default

Effects - Edge - Dilate
Selection - None

Effects- Image Effects - Seamless Tiling

Effects - 3 D Effects - Drop Shadow - 0, 0, 80, 40
Layer - Duplicate

Layer - Merge Down -- 2- szer

Image - Free Rotate

Vissza lépsz a " Raster 1 "
Layer - Duplicate

--- Mehdi - Seamless Border 2

Image - Free Rotate

Pick Toll-al el rendezed

Blend mode - Overlay
Effects - Geometric Effects - Skew

--- Unlimited - WM Toolbox - MirrororriM -- default

--- Vander Lee - Unplugged X - Defocus -- 2 ( el maradhat )

--- Unlimited - [AFS IMPORT] - sqborder2

Le lépsz a " Raster 1 "

Selection - Load Selection - From Alpha Channel

Promote Selection - To Layer

--- AP Distort - Shift Mesh

Selection - None

Vissza lépsz a " Raster 1 "
Selection - Load Selection - From Alpha Channel

Promote Selection - To Layer
Effects- Image Effects - Seamless Tiling -- az elöbbi beállítással

Selection - None
Effects - Texture Effects - Weave

--- Flaming Pear - Flood

Layer - Arrange - Move Up

Vissza lépsz a " Promoted Selection "

Layer - Merge Down

--- AAA Frames - Foto Frame

Fel lépsz a felső rétegre

Másold a képedre " d_inspiration "
Layer - Arrange - Move Down

Effects - 3 D Effects - Drop Shadow - 2, 2, 65, 10

Másold a képedre " inspiration "
Pick Tool-al helyezzd el

Effects - 3 D Effects - Drop Shadow - 2, 2, 50, 2

Layer - Merge All
Image - Add Border - 1 pixel -- 7.szín
Select - All

Image - Add Border - 25 pixel -- 8.szín
Selection - Invert

--- Simple - Quick Tile

--- Vander Lee - Unplugged X - Defocus -- 3

Adjust - Sharpness - Unsharp Mask -- default
Selection - Invert

Effects - 3 D Effects - Drop Shadow - 0, 0, 70, 45
Selection - None

Másold a képedre " tube "
Effects - 3 D Effects - Drop Shadow

Image - Add Border - 1 pixel -- 7.szín
Image - Resize - 900 pixel

Kész a képed !!!
Köszönöm, hogy el készítetted

Tesztelte : L. Marika

Szerkesztők akik el készítették a tutoriált. Köszönöm szépen










